Should I use mmCM to create them from PS3 backups on folder game (JB) format or should I create them using the PS3 Tools Collection's context menu item or PS3 ISO Tools (I think I should select the 4.76 FW on the latter) and afterwards send them to the external HDD's PS3ISO folder? If I use the second or the last will it take less time and later won't even work when trying to load the games on mmCM? I know this might be a stupid question but should I also convert the legit PSN games to ISO and if so, will they come along with the installed DLC and may I delete the RIF files (both the games' as well as the DLC's) afterwards or will they need them to work? Also, are PS3 ISOs more compatible than PS3 backups on folder game (JB) format when on mmCM like I've read and is there a mmCM PS3 (and games from other consoles) backups compatibility list?ĮDIT: Which internal and external HDDs work on the PS3 just to make sure I don't buy incompatible ones? According to what I've read, the internal HDDs must be up to 1.5 TB (and be 2.5') to be recognized and the external ones up to 2 TB. I want to play PS3 ISOs on the external HDD.